Gods Eyes

Our family spent Christmas in Mexico 5 years ago and it was the most relaxed Christmas to date. But, because we can’t actually sit still, my sister and mom brought along supplies to make gods eyes as decoration for our villa…along with our Frosty the Snowman piñata we picked up at the local market.

We have kids of different ages in our quaran-team, so I try to have a bunch of different art supples on hand when they are over at the house. A few weeks ago I popped into Michael’s to stock up on art supplies for Waylon’s room and walked past the yarn and stopped. It was the first time I thought about those gods eyes in years and decide to get some spools for the kids to play around with.

With tons of sticks and driftwood around the house, I taught the kiddos to make gods eyes! Well, I watched a video on YouTube to refresh my memory first, but it was so cute to see how they looked and was a great activity.

Here is a good tutorial here.


My niece was just learning about Frosty the Snowman at preschool so naturally she burst into tears when we started hitting Frosty with a bat! Frosty almost got a plane ticket home but we ended up burning him in our beach bonfire on Christmas night!


Mother's Day!


Waylon’s 5th Birthday